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Brave New World Order

Writer's picture: DuaneHayesDuaneHayes

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

Aldous Huxley, California Medical School, 1961

Even though it was published nearly a century ago and despite very little mainstream acclaim, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World continues to resonate with readers and remains one of the most popular dystopian novels of all time. While highly lauded for its satirical rebuttal of utopian novels written around the same time by H.G. Wells and Moszkowski, Huxley's slightly more pessimistic predictions have also earned him some considerable criticism. And it is primarily because of these predictions - proven to be eerily accurate reflections of our modern day western society that Brave New World has endured the test of time.

Written during the Great Depression, Huxley retreated to Sanary-sur-Mer, a small coastal city along the French Mediterranean to write his futuristic tale and some 90 years later it serves as a parable for our present day society. The premise of Huxley's book is twofold. Firstly, Huxley believed that because of technological advancements in health and agriculture people of the future would enjoy longer lifespans, inevitably leading to over-population. Secondly, Huxley believed these advancements in technology would create an ever more complex civilization in need of an ever more controlling corporatocracy (a society ruled by corporations not governments). These 'two main impersonal forces', as Huxley refers to them, will then compound upon each other resulting in mass unemployment, deprivation, social instability and finally a bloody revolution.

In response to these impending challenges, Huxley postulates the use of several devices in order to maintain social stability - namely the use of birth control, propaganda, psychiatric prescription drugs, operant conditioning, brainwashing, hypnopaedia, and the highly controversial practice of eugenics. Further exploration of these subjects can be found in my article entitled, Stanford Research Institute: The Changing Images of Man. Each of these devices were to be introduced incrementally and discreetly for the betterment of all humankind. And we've now lived long enough to see the results of this agenda as our present day - largely unsuspecting population - is being slowly subsumed into a communist one world state.

Society will be directed by highly standardized totalitarian governments. Inevitably so; for the immediate future is likely to resemble the immediate past, and in the immediate past rapid technological changes, taking place in a mass-producing economy and among a population predominantly propertyless, have always tended to produce economic and social confusion. To deal with the confusion, power has been centralized and government control increased. It is probable that all the world's government will be more or less completely totalitarian even before the harnessing of atomic energy; that they will be totalitarian during and after the harnessing seems almost certain. Brave New World, authors forward.

When we first enter Huxley's proposed dystopian world, we find ourselves propelled some five hundred years into the future as Thomas, the Director of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre leads a small group of sophomore students through an orientation of the main laboratory. As they meander through the sterile hallways, the students are introduced to the latest advancements in genetic reproduction. From the Fertilizing Room, they enter the Social Predestination Room, and finally, after arriving in the Bottling Room, Huxley's brave new world comes into sobering view.

Along with the students, the reader is introduced to what is the end result of an eugenics program given the freedom to wander within the limitlessness of Man's imagination. Scientists of the future now perform a perfected biological balancing act, sustaining society at a constant population by using "biologically superior ova, fertilized by biologically superior sperm". People are no longer born but created under specific conditions in test-tubes and stored in sterilized glass bottles, moved along through a systematic process. What we see, is a progressive technocratic society being stretched to its furthest extension. A single embryo can now be divided ninety-six times to create uniform batches of identical sub-human servants. In a future according to Huxley, natural reproduction is far too slow and unpredictable - the gestation period no longer occurs in the mother's womb but on a long accelerated assembly line under the ever-watchful eye of a centralized omniscient government.

The use of terms like 'mother' or 'father' are now outlawed - considered socially taboo - and the 'traditional family' is now an unspeakable remnant from our savage past. People are pre-destined into a caste system, labelled as either Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas or Epsilons and, thanks to superior genes and a regular rejuvenation process, no one ever grows old - at least that is what they want you to believe. Following the introduction of a hallucinogenic drug called soma, archaic human feelings of pain, jealousy, fear, misery and sadness, are effectively subdued by the instantaneous euphoria of a 'soma' holiday.

Far from the highly-standardized life of London exists a savage reservation in which the nearly extinct traditions of family, child birth, and religion continue to be practiced, but only by a population of sub-human pueblo savages. This reservation, located in the deserted western United States, remains a coveted vacation destination and only those Alphas who can obtain a special security clearance are permitted to travel there. Much like we travel to the continent of Africa today to witness big game animals in their natural habitat, Alphas travel to the savage reservation to witness humans in their most vulgar and uncivilized. Only when a troubled employee of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre named Bernard Marx applies for a vacation to the savage reservation do we find out that his boss - the aforementioned Director Thomas, had at one time taken a 'very pneumatic' (sexually prolific) female Beta named Linda to the reservation. Thomas explains to Marx that while out on a sightseeing trek, the two became separated and despite a lengthy search in the days to follow, Linda was never found. Thomas, believing that she had died, returned to London alone.

After receiving a security pass, Marx and his Beta female guest Lenina finally arrive at the reservation, during their visit, they discover that Linda had not only lived through her ordeal but had given birth to Thomas' son, John. Linda had long held out hope that one day she could return to London with John but was instead forced to raise her son on the reservation in complete squalor among the savages. Upon realizing who Linda and John were, Bernard agrees to bring them back to London as a way to advance his own status within London's social hierarchy. Upon their return to London, Thomas is reintroduced to Linda and is presented with his savage son. Thomas is so publicly humiliated (not for the immorality of leaving a defenseless, pregnant woman to die in the desert, but for the unspeakable act of fathering a naturally born, human child) that he is forced to resign from his position and is exiled to the island of Iceland forever. Having never seen a naturally born human before, Londoners are astounded by the novelty and the sensational news spreads quickly. Marx immediately becomes somewhat of a celebrity.

John quickly falls in love with Lenina, but, unaccustomed to the ways of London society, he is appalled at the way she and the rest of the population freely engage in several sexual encounters called orgy porgy's. John also grows impatient with society's incessant drug taking and their pursuit of painless existence through endless irrelevant, baseless distraction. Unfamiliar with the ways of this strange brave new world, John finally becomes disillusioned and in a fit of rage destroys a soma dispensary. He pleads with the drug induced population to finally wake up, break from their trance and see themselves as they truly are - conditioned slaves. But the citizens, unable to get their soma, soon become belligerent, overwhelm John and the situation quickly turns into a full-scale riot. Bernard and John's friend Helmholtz Watson attempt to rescue John from the angry mob but the police arrive and quickly subdue the crowd by dispensing a soma vapour into the air. John, Bernard, and Helmholtz are all arrested for insubordination and brought before Mustapha Mond, the Resident World Controller of Western Europe.


According to Huxley, our future world can no longer afford to have a liberating force like John corrupting the minds of its automatonic, brainwashed citizens. Far too many strides have been made in the long march towards egalitarianism to have it ruined by a single dissenting voice. Five hundred years into the future, Huxley foresees a society purged of all pain and inconvenience; purged of trivial jealousies and feelings of envy, hate and love. Essentially relieved of the very traits that make us human. Starvation, disease and aging have all been eradicated. There is no longer need for war and, aside from labour, no further need for Man. Even the Constitution and Bill of Rights, so revered today, adorned with their inalienable principles of sovereignty and coveted as the last defense against a tyrannical government have been removed from Huxley's hypothetical future. Contrarian ideas have been buried under a deluge of gratuitous entertainment, hedonistic pleasures, and instant gratification. Free will, individual freedom and reasoning have been successfully sacrificed at the alter of perceived happiness, equality, and convenience. Citizens engage in endless sexual encounters for the purpose of serving each other, and in doing so limit the human being to that of a meaningless, unimportant product.

In our present day reality, both the author and his book have been cast into a relatively obscure corner of public consciousness, buried by a non-stop stream of pop-culture - what Adorno referred to as Culture Industry. Huxley's Brave New World has succumbed to the same information black-out predicted within it's very pages. And there is good reason for this. Even a cursory look into Aldous Huxley and his work reveals a completely different man from that portrayed in conventional mainstream circles. Even a reasonable amount of scrutiny into Huxley's real life shows that his true motivations and actions are far from that of a simple social critic or author. Any amount of curiosity at all into his background quickly sends one hurtling helplessly down a rabbit hole of counter-intelligence, misinformation and conspiracy. And while one cannot argue that many of Huxley's wild predictions have certainly come true - or are in the process of coming true, it must be clearly stated herein that Brave New World is less the result of a harmless over-active imagination and more the confessions of a man with privileged, confidential government intelligence. And as bat-shit-crazy as that may sound to those uninitiated, I assure you, this is only the beginning, Huxley's connections to both the intelligence community and Communism run deep.

When one takes a closer look at the society Huxley depicted in Brave New World, we see indisputable similarities between its values and principles and those found in the communist society Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels only dreamed of when collaborating on the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Interestingly, these Marxist values and principles were reinvigorated in the United States with the arrival of the Frankfurt School only months after the release of Brave New World. Just coincidence you say? It is even more interesting to find historical evidence that shows both Huxley, and his brother, Sir Julian Huxley were members of the infamous Marxist communist organization borne out of the London School of Economics known as the Fabian Society. But the odious connections don't end there, evidence of Huxley's direct associations with the CIA funded MKULTRA program are superfluous and go well beyond mere coincidence theory and that is where I will choose to begin.

Through the excellent research of forensic historian Jan Irvin at Logos Media, we have been availed an impressive collection of primary and secondary source material linking Huxley directly to projects initiated and funded by U.S intelligence. All of this even further corroborated in an interview Irvin made public on September 14, 2013 with Albert Stubblebine in which the former commanding general of the U.S. Army intelligence and Security Command(INSCOM) admitted that Huxley was not only involved but was the director of the infamous MKULTRA programs(!) Huxley's direct affiliation with men like Timothy Leary, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. Harold Abramson, Al Hubbard, Dr. Humphrey Osmond and Dr. Louis Jolyn West reads like a guest list to a MKULTRA reunion party and leave very little room for debate regarding Huxley's direct involvement.

Timothy Leary's CIA associations are legendary, even admitting that the CIA orchestrated the 60's counterculture movement of which Leary was one of the most prominent figures(1). Leary even admits to his witting involvement during an interview with Walter Bowert, in Lords of the Revolution: Timothy Leary and the CIA;

I told Leary that, based on some of the documents I'd read, it seemed that he could have been just one of many scientist who'd been used without his knowledge by the CIA to conduct their mind control experiments.

"I've known this for ten years," Leary said.

"You were witting of it?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course," Leary said, leaning back in his chair with confidence.

..."I knew I was being used by the intelligence agents of this country." (2)

Letter from Aldous Huxley to Timothy Leary

Dr. Harold Abramson was chief of the allergy department at Mount Sinai Hospital and one of the CIA's principle LSD researchers(3). He was directly linked to the alleged suicide of CIA employee Frank Olsen and a part-time consultant to the Army Chemical Corps. He also proposed to the CIA a study in which LSD would be given to unwitting hospital patients - something that the government initially denied but eventually had to admit under the weight of growing evidence and public scrutiny.

Al Hubbard, was high-level OSS during the Second World War and worked extensively with the CIA and FBI most notably being the LSD experiments that took place under the watchful eye of Dr. J Ross Maclean at Hollywood Hospital in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada.(4) Hubbard is also credited with administering Aldous Huxley with his first hit of acid.

Dr. Humphry Osmond was directly affiliated with the CIA while working out of Weyburn Saskatchewan. He had extensive written correspondence with Hubbard and Huxley(5), even visiting Huxley in California to personally administer Huxley's first dose of mescaline in 1953(6), prior to the two men meeting in New York to discuss what name they would choose for this new drug - as indicated by personal letter in 1956.(6a) And, by visiting the New York Academy of Sciences official website we see evidence of a concerted effort to find a name for this new classification of drug(6b) and Osmond was at the center of the debate. We can also determine through personal letters between Huxley and Osmond that credit for inventing the word psychedelic goes directly to Osmond who introduced the term to the New York Academy of Sciences in 1957 and wrote the term in his letters to Huxley:

To fathom hell or soar angelic

Just take a pinch of psychedelic.(6c)

Dr. Louis Jolyon West was also a contractor for MKULTRA sub project 43 and worked directly with the CIA on hypnosis and ESP (Anomolous Cognition) experiments.(7) In his letters, Huxley even mentioned "my friend Dr. J. West". Huxley had even suggested to West that he hypnotize his subjects prior to administering LSD in order to give them "post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug-induced experience in some desired direction."

So here we have documented proof of Huxley giving directions to MKULTRA doctors on how best to administer LSD-25 to patients. We know of West's undeniable involvement in MKULTRA and, thanks to primary source material, we can now link Huxley to West in at least some sort of advisory role and at the most, Huxley was fulfilling a discreet authority role similar to that admitted to by Stubblebine. You add to this fact that Huxley irrefutably had similar relationships with Abramson, Al 'Captain Trips' Hubbard and Humphry Osmond, and its hard to deny that Huxley wasn't at the center of the action.

"I give the CIA total credit for sponsoring and initiating the entire consciousness movement, counterculture events of the 1960's....The CIA funded and supported and encouraged hundreds of young psychiatrists to experiment with this drug." Timothy Leary interview(8)

Huxley also worked closely with anthropologist and ethnologist, Gregory Bateson and hypnotist Milton Erickson while living in Palo Alto California. Bateson, a member of the OSS(CIA) who worked in the propaganda division was also director of LSD studies at the Palo Alto Veterans Administrations Hospital - which just happens to be the same hospital in which Ken Kesey was a test subject just prior to him embarking on his Acid Tests with the Merry Pranksters. Now, where did the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest get all of that LSD from? Both Erickson and Bateson, along with Bateson's wife, Margaret Mead, were key participants in the original Cerebral Inhibiting Meeting that began following the Second World War. Bateson and Mead were two of the first six invitees to meetings leading up to the first Macy conferences. The two main subjects discussed at these early meetings were hypnotism and Pavlovian Behaviourism.(9)

While many may protest the observations being made herein, there are primary sources provided and it would be a mistake to exonerate Huxley simply by saying that his public writings and interviews are an indication of a man opposed to the beliefs of an organization like the Fabian Society, or that he stood defiantly against the idea of a totalitarian government, but these opinions are only conjecture and intelligence agents will always rely on plausible deniability to maintain their cover. To truly understand the man's motivations and beliefs, we must first observe his actions and relationships. And, as we step back to observe in higher resolution, it is his actions and relationships that do indeed paint a picture of who Huxley really was when out of the glare of the public eye. And as he himself emphasized the importance of 'set and setting' to a mind under the influence of hallucinogens, we must also consider the importance of Huxley's set and setting.

In 1937, Huxley and his wife Maria moved from London to Los Angeles and then eventually Palo Alto California where he would live out the rest of his days. It is during this time that Aldous began working intimately with the contributors of the early Macy Conferences on cybernetics, where they studied the affects of positive and negative feedback loops on the human mind and where their goal was to secure similar social control to that depicted in Brave New World(!) It is said to be during his short time lecturing at MIT that Huxley first connected with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert while the two were busy feeding acid to college students as faculty members across town at Harvard University. Alpert, better known to the hippies as Ram Dass even contributed a video tribute to Huxley's second wife at her funeral in 2008(10)

To the uninitiated, the MKULTRA programs were a series of at least one hundred and fifty Pentagon funded sub projects that began in the 1940's and extended into at least the late 1960's, officially. They were exposed for among other things, the administration of experimental drugs including thorazine, nembutal, curare, and the hallucinogenic LSD - 25 to unwitting civilians, prisoners, psychiatric patients and soldiers. It was also discovered through declassified CIA paperwork that these experiments took place at several universities across the United States and Canada, and one is of particular interest for this book review.

It was between the years 1957 and 1964 that infamous MKULTRA Subproject 68, under the direction of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron and Sidney Gottlieb, had been conducting psychic 'driving' and behavioural modification experiments at McGill University in Montreal similar to what Huxley hypothesized in Brave New World. Cameron also just happened to be the president of the American Psychopathological Association, the Society of Biological Psychiatry, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the World Psychological Associations while he was practicing on unsuspecting patients - which suggests some level of government culpability. Interesting to note that the very word government comes from the latin and means to control or steer the mind.(11) Cameron's infamous sleep hypnopaedia techniques were not only the exact type of techniques discussed by Huxley in Brave New World but Huxley was an integral figure in the administration of these highly unethical experiments in real life(!) Cameron's experiments went beyond the inhumane, often inducing comas that kept patients asleep for weeks even months at a time while implanting affirmations directly into the subconscious via prerecorded tape loops, and it was fully funded by the CIA. The heinous events at McGill under Cameron's direction are no longer up for debate and are a matter of historically documented fact - victims even being publicly recognized and compensated by the Canadian government. Another interesting side note is that Cameron was originally funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

So I ask you dear reader, is it coincidence that Huxley's speeches at the University of California San Francisco - which are largely credited with inspiring the whole Human Potential Movement - took place a mere five minutes walk from where his friend, Timothy Leary would first utter the phrase "Tune In, Turn on, and Drop Out!" - which in turn, sparked the very counter culture movement most identified with the psychedelic drug that Huxley was experimenting with in the hopes that it would be a real life soma? Is it coincidence that he wrote about a future society in which a corporatocracy would shape the public's mind and then proceeded to move to Palo Alto California - otherwise known as Silicon Valley? Is it coincidence that Huxley lived mere miles from the origins of the world wide web just as it was being created in the 60's? Is it coincidence that a large section of his work is preserved in the Stanford Research Institute libraries and that the headquarters of Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter rose to prominence in the very same small area some thirty years after Huxley's death? Is it coincidence that he was only a short drive from the intersection of Haight and Ashbury - the alleged epicenter of the 60's counterculture movement? Is it coincidence that within a few short years after writing Brave New World that Huxley would find himself living at the most perfect of geographical spots in which he could best fulfill even his boldest 'predictions' while associating with the very people that could best assist him in bringing his book to life? And, is it coincidence that ninety years after it's publication, we can clearly see a society half under Orwell's totalitarian jack boot and half under the heavy sedation and censorship depicted by Huxley in Brave New World?

I'll leave the speculation to the reader but as far as this author is concerned, when all information is considered, there are only two conclusions that can be made. Either all of these people worked together for years oblivious of each others connections to the intelligence community and oblivious to the overall game plan, or they all conspired together to sedate and brainwash the American public in an attempt to force the hive mind into submission. It is true that some on the lower rungs of the hierarchy may not have known, as for Aldous Huxley himself, there is no escape - the evidence is damning. And, when you take into consideration the evidence presented in my previous article entitled, Stanford Research Institute and The Changing Images of Man, in which his brother Julian had direct involvement, it becomes crystal clear that Huxley is far less an amazingly accurate prognosticator and far more likely the grand architect of an insidious plan to mould society into the caste system portrayed in Brave New World. Incredibly, after saying all of this, Huxley's associations with the intelligence community only tell half of the story.

"[Huxley's] psychedelic proselytization and his experience with the drug are inseperable from the intelligence community." Dave Emory, America Free Radio(12)

In the months following the release of Brave New World, there occurred several historically significant socio-political events that would also help shape western society into the image Huxley portrayed in his book. In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First New Deal, resulted in unprecedented governmental oversight that paralleled the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Roosevelt's Second New Deal, passed in 1935, even prompted public comparisons to Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Secondly, during his fourth term, Roosevelt was a key figure in the formation of the international monetary system and the United Nations - an intergovernmental global organization strikingly similar to that of Huxley's fictional World State. Thirdly, in 1933, the Rockefeller Foundation began a program to help deposed Jewish intellects who sought refuge following Hitler's appointment as German Chancellor.

The program paid for the emigration of 303 scholars, at a cost of $1.4 million.(13) One particular sub group of scholars - almost all of Jewish decent - were devout Marxists from the Institute for Social Research, colloquially known as the Frankfurt School. Nearly every key member of the Frankfurt School including it's most prominent members, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, found employment at Columbia University and in 1935, the Frankfurt School moved its entire anti-western operation directly on to the campus of Columbia University(!)(14) From out of this group emerged men like Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm - leaders of the neo-Marxist/Post Modern movement that accepted professor positions at prestigious American Universities. And, when one looks at the state of academia today we can plainly see that this bent ideology has refused to loosen it's tight grip on the minds of the impressionable youth ever since.

And finally, we witness a second wave of Marxist socialists originating from out of yet another 'public research' think tank called the London School of Economics. Also known as the Fabian Society, they slowly rose to political relevance and began controlling the social mechanisms directly through the creation of the British Labour Party(!) What we see is a changing social milieu, a deliberate shift towards socialism in both the United States and England at the very same time. The road was now being paved for Huxley's highly controversial ideas to be accepted in the west. How fortuitous(!) Huxley's 'set and setting' being prepared on a large scale. The general public were being shaped and moulded by the relentless hammer of Fabian socialism, and as a result, the public had become more accepting of the ideals of socialism. Any stigmas were being slowly removed from a previously thought of untenable political ideology. At the time, any objections to Huxley's anti-western activity were certainly few and far between, and those who did question him were quickly castigated and ridiculed. What we see is a completely coordinated attempt at what Karl Marx had long hoped for - the over throw of the capitalist free market system. A stunningly coordinated rise of socialism in the exact same two locations that Huxley chose as a setting for his fictional storyline. All led by organizations with which he had intimate involvement.

The Fabian Society was founded on January 4, 1884 in London and was a branch of The Fellowship of the New Life. Both of these organizations advocated for a scientifically planned society through the use of an eugenics program of sterilization and Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian was a leading voice and committee member(!)(14) They also heavily promoted the Marxist planks of equal distribution of wealth; centrally owned utilities, education and agriculture; the abolition of private property, and the elimination of privilege, free will, and individuality. When one reads Brave New World, the Communist Manifesto, and The New Deal , it becomes quickly apparent that the three overlay with almost exact precision.

Further research into the Fabian Society indicates that the practice of holding sexual education classes for immature elementary students, the advancement of homosexuality in society and the now emerging transgender movement can all be traced directly back to the leading voices within the Fabian Society. The first sexual education courses offered in school were put forth first by infamous Marxists Gyorgy Lukacs and Wilhelm Reich(Sexual Revolution). The Hungarian people so upset with Lukacs' antics that he was sent out of the country. Prominent Fabian Society member, Havelock Ellis - considered one of the founders of the Fabian Society - wrote the first known book on homosexuality and was first to coin an early term for transgenderism in the late 1800's - sexo-aesthetic inversion.(!)(15) Even more interesting to find out that Ellis was also an early researcher of psychedelic drugs and president of The British Eugenics Society along with Aldous' brother Julian(!)(16) Ellis, also had connections to the self appointed prophet of Thelema, MI6 member, and Freemason, Aleister Crowley. But I digress.

It is extraordinary when one begins to look into the political organization of which Huxley, his brother Julian, George Orwell and H.G. Wells were all members. One of the Fabian Society's original tenets is the idea in which a fair and just relationship is founded between the individual and society through Marx' equal distribution of wealth. It is based on a social contract in which everyone has a role within society, and everyone receives their just due through the elimination of privilege. Today in the west, we see these same ideologies being persistently pushed through social justice programs, diversity training, and an ever widening interpretation of 'hate speech'. All of these destructive tenets are directly taken from the ideas of Marx and can be summed up in his most well known quote, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

You see evidence of their true motivations in the Fabian Society's logo - a wolf in sheep's clothing. And, depicted in their original stained glass window display you'll find two of it's co- founders, Sidney Webb and Edward R. Pease "remoulding the world nearer to their hearts desire" with the alternating hammer blows of progress as we, the unwitting participants sitting prone upon the anvil, take our lumps. Today, the Fabian Society is one of fifteen socialist parties that make up the British Labour Party.(17) After some deliberation, it looks as though these two Marxist organizations formed a coordinated, double pronged assault on Western values and traditions. While the Frankfurt School largely had designs on taking over academia, mass communication and Hollywood, the Fabian Society was mostly concerned with inverting the social and political arenas.

It seems fairly self evident that from the elimination of private property, the disappearance of the family, the subjugation of individual free will, and the usurping of God, to the very character names that Huxley chose, Brave New World is a remarkable piece of communist propaganda. The protagonist, Bernard Marx is named after Fabian socialist leader Bernard Shaw and Communist Party creator Karl Marx, while Lenina Crowne is an obvious ode to Vladimir Lenin and Sarojini Engels is in recognition Friedrich Engels, the co-author of the Communist Manifesto. And finally, by naming a character Adolf Rockefeller, Huxley seems to be implying a secret relationship between the early American industrialists and a young and charismatic Adolf Hitler.

Thanks to primary citations and historically documented fact we now know this relationship to not only have existed but it thrived. Hitler gave Rockefeller a synthetic rubber patent in exchange for Rockefeller's petroleum patents.(18) In fact, without the help of Rockefeller and other early industrialists like Ford, DuPont and General Motors, Hitler's machines may have never invaded Poland in the first place. And, as evidenced by the above photograph, fellow early industrialist Henry Ford certainly doesn't get a free pass. While Ford was portrayed within the fictional pages of Brave New World as none other than God himself, he also received in real life, the highest medal given to a non-citizen as a birthday present while Nazi officers, Karl Kapp and Fritz Heller visited his Dearborn Michigan manufacturing plant just prior to the outbreak of WWII(!)(19) Were the Nazi's there to check on the progress of their order? What was the quid pro quo? What exactly did Ford do to deserve such admiration from the Nazis? Both Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler wrote publicly regarding their affinity for Henry Ford.(20)(21) Again, I'll leave the speculation to the reader but the fact remains that Henry Ford and Hitler were close and their admiration for each other is well documented(22) - a picture of Ford was even kept in Hitlers' office. Not surprisingly, these facts implicating our beloved American philanthropists within Nazi conspiracy continues to somehow elude the mainstreams dogged pursuit of the truth for nearly one hundred years.

As briefly mentioned above, in Huxley's future society, God is replaced by Henry Ford. Instead of our very Christian oriented Gregorian calendar that is allegedly based upon the life and death of Jesus, the calendar in Brave New World begins on the very date the first Model T rolled off the assembly line - October 1, 1908. The date is marked every year with the Ford's Day Celebration festivities. All religious crosses have had their tops taken off so as to form a 'T', and instead of everyone blessing the Lord, everyone now blesses the Model T and the great and infallible Henry Ford. When one realizes that it was in fact stipulated by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations that, "colleges and universities abandon their sectarian affiliations and charter clauses relating to religion in order to secure endowments",(23) we see the systematic erasing of religion from society and our sacred centers of higher learning become the proprietors of Orwell's memory hole machine. Once again, armed with a century of hindsight, no one can deny this direct assault on God. We witness it everywhere.

The links between the early American industrial philanthropists and the infiltration of socialism ideology into American society is beyond voluminous. There is very little room to deny that it was in fact men like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford who spearheaded this attack on Western ideals and traditions while making hordes of money off of the very free-market system they were aiming to destroy. They crossed the bridge to prosperity and wanted to blow it to pieces so no one else could follow. Make no mistake, these men are the pavers of Huxley's road. Yes, there were shadow elements behind these Captains of Industry - to be further discussed in future articles - but it is precisely because of the immense international influence of Rockefeller, Ford, and others that socialism originally gained a foothold in the United States and it is within Brave New World, through the character names Huxley chose that he seems to pay homage to these men. Further evidence of these claims can be found in my previous articles, Philanthropic Foundations and Why They Are A Problem, and How Foundations Created Academia.

Before I conclude, there is one other relevant connection to be made. Whenever Huxley's Brave New World is discussed one name inevitably enters the conversation - George Orwell. It seems as though one cannot be brought up without the other being mentioned, but few know that Huxley actually taught Orwell, Huxley even sending Orwell a letter of congratulations following the release of 1984. It is a merely a simple matter of fact that Huxley and Orwell are seemingly forever entwined within the fabric of American literary history, often compared for their differences, and haughtily debated for their accuracy. But the truth is, when one looks at contemporary society, there seems to be a strange melding of the two hypotheses. Where Orwell predicted a world ruled by the authoritative jack boot, Huxley envisioned a society placated into docility by pharmaceutical drugs. Where Orwell foretold of a totalitarian government forcing history down the 'memory hole', Huxley depicted an assuaged society to which history was deemed unimportant, even revolting. Where Orwell pictured a society in which the truth was eliminated from view forever, Huxley depicted a scenario in which the truth was buried by a deluge of irrelevant information a la Merton and Lazarsfeld's, Narcoticizing Dysfunction. Where Orwell believed that society would be constrained within physical barriers, Huxley's society would be kept in-line by trivial distractions. Where Orwell predicted that intimate human contact was only attempted at the risk of death, Huxley believed that human contact especially of the sexual variety was encouraged as ethical, moral and a sign of social stability - "everyone belonged to everyone else". While Orwell's society participated in 'Two Minutes of Hate', Huxley's looked forward to 'Community Sings'. Orwell's society was entrenched in a never ending war while Huxley depicted a society without any war at all. Whichever way you choose to look at it, all of these techniques are prevalent today.


When John the Savage is brought before Mustapha Mond, the Resident World Controller of Western Europe to answer for his behaviour earlier at the soma dispensary, Mond tries to persuade John one final time to acclimate to a society free of inconvenience but John refuses.

"But I like the inconvenience."John says.

"We don't" said the controller. "We prefer to do things comfortably."

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."

"All right, then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."

"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind."

There was a long silence.

"I claim them all,"

After deliberating, Mond decides suitable punishment would be to send John to the outskirts of London and away from society, where he can be free to live out his remaining years alone in an empty lighthouse overlooking the ocean. Given the rights of a sovereign citizen, Jon was now free to catch his own food and to grow a garden. He was free to read whatever books he wished, free to feel the emotions of love, hate, fear and even misery. He was given the ability to feel all of the emotions of a truly free human being. However, his happiness was short lived. The public was so infatuated by John the Savage that a constant crowd surrounded the lighthouse, to them he was a novelty beyond category and their relentless interest so intense that John eventually succumbed to the constant scrutiny and kills himself by hanging.

What we see is the admonishment from society that Marxist authors Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno promoted in The Dialectic of Enlightenment (24) and the moral of Huxley's story is clear, if you push back against the power of the State you will be banished, put into solitary confinement, labelled an 'eccentric loner', and 'convicted of inadequacy'.

As dismal as all of this sounds I assure you, there is a solution. Huxley himself even admits that the only thing that could potentially stand in the way of the totalitarian rule described in Brave New World is an awakening of the populace - a popular movement willing to fight against the fading importance of our western freedoms. A movement towards decentralization. Amazingly, this popular movement wasn't even on the horizon when Huxley wrote Brave New World but is now available for us in our lifetime. This popular movement is spreading across the world largely sparked by the decentralizing power of the internet and block chain technology. This is what we see being played out on the mainstream news nightly. A complicit liberal media - infiltrated by the Marxist doctrine of the Frankfurt School long ago - is fighting to remain relevant and it's only course of defense is to continue to lie. It has no other choice, for if they were to come out and tell the Truth it would be sure suicide. They are painted into a corner, the emperor has no clothes and a growing section of the North American population knows it.

Only a large-scale popular movement towards decentralization and self help can arrest the present tendency towards statism. At present there is no sign that such a movement will take place. Brave New World, author's foreword.

While the mainstream is trying to discredit and ridicule this rising popular movement with all its might, it will inevitably be to no avail. Those 'professional' reporters and journalist who've invested their entire lives in an illusion, have no choice but to defend the corporations that employ them. They have mortgages to pay and children to feed but the foundation of their existence - their reputation as a trustworthy source of information - is long gone. The giant media corporations are unequipped to pivot with the changing times simply because of their largesse and without government austerity the entire mass communication industry will crumble like a house of cards. People have grown tired of the one way conversation. They have had enough of being told what to think and what to say by a strange glowing box in the corner of their living room. Traditional media is being replaced by citizens who's only concern is for the Truth. These ordinary people don't have to answer to their advertisers or shareholders and the internet has given them the ability to find Truth where they were previously told wasn't any.

So, just as Nietzsche asked in 1882, "Is God dead?", the mainstream media now asks, "Is Truth Dead?" I'm here to show you - with primary sources, empirical evidence, and documented historical fact that the Truth is all around us at all times and is not pretty, we just need to see it and act before our world becomes the Brave New World. We just need to stop listening to those who would rather us not find the truth and turn off the television once and for all with one push of the button. If Father Time has taught us anything, it is that the Truth eventually sees the light of day and when we stand with the Truth, we are invincible and fearless.

You can follow the author on Twitter, Gab, Bitchute, Steemit, and Minds @TriviumMethod and on Facebook and YouTube at Duane Hayes.

Footnotes and Citations:

1. Leary interview



4. Al Hubbard


6. Aldous Huxley: An English Intellectual. pg. 396. Nicholas Murray(2009).





8. Leary interview



11. from the latin; gubernate: to steer or control. mentis ablative singular is mens; the mind, intellect, reasoning, judgement.

12. Dave Emory quote






18. At the time, the relationship between Rockefeller and Hitler wasn't secret. Rockefeller was despised for his business practices both domestically and internationally. The two joined forces as early as 1927 when Rockefeller's Standard Oil and Hilter's I.G. Farben(then Hoechst AG and now vaccine company Sanofi) formed a partnership to compete against oil interests in the Baku region. See also,


20. Allen, Michael Thad (2002). The Business of Genocide: The SS, Slave Labor, and the Concentration Camps. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. pp. 14, 290. ISBN 0-8078-2677-4. See also, Pfal-Traughber, Armin (1993). Der antisemitisch-antifreimaurerische Verschwörungsmythos in der Weimarer Republik und im NS-Staat. Vienna: Braumüller. p. 39.. See also: Eliten-Antisemitismus in Nazi-Kontinuität. In: Graswurzelrevolution. December 2003. Pfal-Traughber and Allen both cite Ackermann. Heinrich Himmler als Ideologe. p. 37.


23. Foundations: Their Wealth and Power, Rene Wormser, pg. 13.

24. The ruler no longer says: 'Either you think as I do or you die.' He says: 'You are free not to think as I do; your life, your property - all that you shall keep. But from this day on you will be a stranger among us.' Anyone who does not conform is condemned to an economic impotence which is prolonged in the intellectual powerlessness of the eccentric loner. Disconnected from the mainstream, he is easily convicted of inadequacy. The Dialectic of Enlightenment, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno pg. 105


1 Comment

Bobby Golds
Bobby Golds
Dec 30, 2018

Stubblebine admitted no such thing. Irvin is an idiot. Proof:


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